The strategy known as the Snowball Method suggests initiating the process by directing your attention to the credit card with the lowest balance. Concurrently, you continue to make minimum payments on your remaining cards. This method entails tackling one card at a time. On the contrary, the Avalanche Method advises giving precedence to the credit card with the highest interest rate when aiming for payoff.
DIY debt relief has the benefit of not harming your credit score and costing nothing more than the interest you must pay. The drawback is that you might discover that you aren’t really moving closer to your objective of debt freedom. In such instance, speaking with a Debt Relief Help Center Certified Debt Specialist will help you assess your situation and consider your choices.
Debt Relief Help Center aggressively pursues a debt settlement through debt negotiations. Our debt settlement program is intended for people who are having financial difficulties and would prefer to pay off their debt than retain a good credit rating. Debt Relief Help Center strives to settle your debt for less than you owe without forcing you to seek a new loan or submit a bankruptcy application, in contrast to most CCCs or credit card debt consolidation programs that may merely lower credit card interest rates. We will strive to settle your debts as quickly as we can using our skilled debt negotiation staff. Remember that Debt Relief Help Center exclusively serves your needs; it does not represent those of credit card issuers, collection firms, or other creditors. Give us a call right away to discuss all of the debt relief options and receive the debt assistance you need!